Sunday, October 10, 2010

Jack Johnson and Another Great Weekend

Julie came to visit this weekend!  It was her second time to visit me in Los Angeles.  She flew in Thursday night around 9:30.

Friday night we went to see Jack Johnson at the Hollywood Bowl.  It was amazing!!  The venue is built into the side of a mountain and it is an outdoor venue.  The sun had set by the time that the opening acts had started, but we managed to take some great pictures anyway.  Zee Avi and G. Love opened for him.  It cooled way down and I now understand why people bring blankets to concerts here.

Jack Johnson finally took the stage around nine and he played for 2 hours straight.  I am pretty sure that he played all of his biggest songs.  It was unreal to hear him live.  He didn't miss a note and he sounded just like he does on the record.  I really admire that because in this day and age, ProTools and other software can turn anybody into a star singer.  It is always refreshing for me to hear genuine talent.


I am a fairly new Jack Johnson fan.  I have listened to his stuff for years, but I never really got into it.  It wasn't until this summer that Jack Johnson really captured my interest.  I worked an office job over the summer and even though it was only part-time, the work days were quite monotonous.  I just sat at a desk for hours at a time and scanned large documents into a computer.  While at work, I was allowed to listen to my iPhone, so I started listening to Pandora Radio.  I started a John Mayer channel because I have always liked his music.  As I was listening to the John Mayer channel, Jack Johnson's music starts popping up as a "similar artist."  After listening to several songs, I realized the true genius of his music.  His music can brighten anybody's day and make the mundane seem okay.  I began listening to his music for hours on end and I found that I never got tired of it.  I started listening to his music when I wasn't at work as well and that's when I realized that I seriously did enjoy his music.

When I heard that he was coming to the Hollywood Bowl, I thought that it would be an amazing chance to see him live, check out the amazing venue, and (best of all) give Julie her birthday present.  Julie and I had a great time at the concert.  The entire vibe was awesome and there were people of all ages in attendance.  It was cool to drift away from the big, angry city of Los Angeles and go to a deserted island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean.  That's the power of Jack Johnson's music.  It took me a long time to realize this, but I am definitely making up for lost time!  Bring on the next Jack Johnson show!

On Saturday, Julie and I continued the tropical-themed weekend by spending the afternoon at the beach.  It was so peaceful and the beach was not crowded at all.  After the beach, I made Julie dinner (chicken stir-fry in a Hawaiian marinade served with coconut Basmati rice).  It turned out really well!  On Sunday, I took Julie to my church, which was meeting for the first time in a new location.  After church, we ate lunch and watched some football that was on t.v.  Julie's flight was at 5:20, so I dropped her off at the airport and then came back to the apartment.

It was a great weekend that went by too fast, but I really enjoyed it!  I am looking forward to a church retreat next weekend and upcoming recording sessions with Grayson.

Thank you for reading.  God Bless.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you're doing well man, Jack Johnson has some good stuff, very chill.
